國際著名學術期刊《自然》最新發表一篇研究論文指出,包括日語、韓語、通古斯語、蒙古語、突厥語在內的阿爾泰語系(泛歐亞語系),不同與傳統的“從歐亞草原遷徙而來的牧民”的假說,該語系的起源和傳播, 可以追溯到約9000年前的中國東北,並在農業的發展下傳播開來。但自青銅時代以來, 這種共同的認識就被廣泛的文化互動所掩蓋。因為古 DNA 高通量測序技術的出現和發展,古人類的研究取得了一系列突破性進展。研究揭示,該語系使用者是新石器時代生活在中國西遼河流域、種植小米的農民。隨著這些農民後來遷移到東北亞廣大地區,他們的語言向北向西流傳到西伯利亞、蒙古、中亞草原,一直延伸到西面的土耳其, 向東被帶到朝鮮半島和日本列島。現代漢語有著另一個源頭,漢藏語系大約與阿爾泰語系出現在同一時期,也與小米農耕相關,但地點在黃河流域。
阿爾泰語系的起源和早期傳播, 是歐亞人口史上最具爭議的領域, 其關鍵是語言傳播、農業擴張和人口流動之間的關係。在這裡, 通過一項綜合三個學科中的語言、基因和考古學的求證, 由中、德、日、韓、俄、美、英、法、新西蘭、捷克、荷蘭等國專家學者合作完成,跨學科研究來解決這個問題, 進行了迄今為止的最大規模研究。研究人員收集了一個包含 3,193 個同源集的新數據集,這些數據集代表了 98 種跨歐亞語言的 254 個基本詞彙概念,包括方言和歷史變體,並應用貝葉斯方法來推斷跨歐亞語言的過時系統發育。資料包括全面的泛歐亞農牧業和基本詞彙, 東北亞 255 個新石器-青銅時代遺址的考古數據庫, 以及來自韓國、琉球群島和日本早期穀物農民的古代基因, 與先前發表的東亞基因。除了在三個綜合學科中取得相當大的進步外,通過結合它們的聚合證據,展示了阿爾泰語系的早期傳播是由農業驅動的。
通過定性分析,研究人員檢查了原始語言重建詞彙表中顯示的農牧字詞,並進一步確定了在特定時間對特定地區的祖先語言社區具有文化診斷意義的項目。在新石器時代分離的常見祖先語言,如原始外歐亞語、原始阿爾泰語、原始蒙古-通古斯語和原始日本-朝鮮語,反映了與耕作有關的一小部分遺傳詞(“田”、“播種”、“種植”、“栽培”、“鏟子”) 小米,但不包括水稻或其他作物("小米種子"、"小米粥"、"稗田小米" );食品生產和保存(“發酵”、“研磨”、“壓碎”、“釀造”);暗示定居的野生食物(“核桃”、“橡子”、“栗子”);紡織品生產(“縫”、“織布”、“用織機織”、“紡”、“剪布”、“苧麻”、“麻”);豬和狗是唯一的家養動物。
Fig.1 Distribution of Transeurasian languages in the past and in the present: (a) Geographical distribution of the 98 Transeurasian language varieties included in this study. Contemporary languages are represented by coloured surfaces, historical varieties by red dots. For legend, see Fig.5. (b) Reconstructed locations of Transeurasian ancestral languages spoken during the Neolithic (red) and the Bronze Age and later (green).
Fig.2 Spatiotemporal distribution and clustering of sites included in the archaeological database: (a) Geographical distribution of 255 sites from the Neolithic (red) and the Bronze Age (green). (b) Coloured dots cluster the investigated sites according to cultural similarity in line with Bayesian analysis, with indication of the spread of millet and rice in time and space. The distribution of archaeological sites in Fig. 2 is smaller than that of contemporary languages in Fig. 1 because we focus on the early dispersal of the linguistic subgroups in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age and on the links between the eastward spread of farming and language dispersal. Fig.3 Spatiotemporal distribution and admixture of ancient genomes: (a) Ancient genomes located in time and space. (b) QpAdm proximal admixture modelling of 20 key ancient populations from this study. The x axis shows ancestry proportion estimates for the target populations in the y axis; the error bars represent ± 1 s.e.m. range, estimated by 5-cM block jackknifing.
Fig.4 Integration of linguistic, agricultural and genetic expansions in Northeast Asia: Amur ancestry is marked in red, Yellow River ancestry in green and Jomon ancestry in blue. The red arrows show the eastward migrations of millet farmers in the Neolithic, bringing Koreanic and Tungusic languages to the indicated regions. The green arrows mark the integration of rice agriculture in the Late Neolithic and the Bronze Age, bringing the Japonic language over Korea to Japan. Fig.5 Extended Data/Legend for Fig. 1. Detailed legend to accompany Fig.1.
《自然》(Nature)論文: Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages.
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