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Sep 21, 2016

開始商朝 Beginning of Shang

我兒子曾給我發email有關中國歷史的特別文章: "Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?" published by FP (Foreign Policy) magazine, 它的意思商人來自古埃及。 目前我對此不置可否, 這個理論並不新, 但這次說他們是從海上來,相當的驚人。我的舊金山Asian Art Museum專家朋友還特意問我這個題目。 有興趣請參考下面附錄Appendix, 是我們的一些email英文討論。

不管你相信與否,別把這當荒謬事, 值得去想一想,對大腦有益。 商人與周人是非常不同的民族, 只要看他們的炊具(鬲:之前Post,民以食為天)就可知道了。 商人也許是外來的,雖然不一定來自古埃及。 約2萬年前,Q和R型人群在歐亞這一帶活躍,一個向東走,一個向西走。 之前我談到, 晉語區有12.5%Q型(印第安人主要類型), 東北官話區有4.7%R型(印歐人主要類型)。 中國也發現3千年前古DNA,有一些貴族為Q型(之前Post)。 商人與印第安人的行為非常相似, 也許也是Q型人群。

甲骨文出現很快, 是如何演進的,在中國本土從來沒有挖出考古痕跡。 了解歷史,可以用基因,考古,文字,語言,文獻等,但用文獻是有問題的,因為中國人喜歡寫史觀,非史實。 我想應該再回去探討文字和語言,了解它們的源流。 比如甲骨文的鬼方, 很可能是印歐人, 當時鬼字的含義,也許不是Ghost。 又如好字,不是Good意思, 是"子方之女"的含義。 子方是什麼人種? 我也曾報導, 中國古代文法比較像英文,甲骨文叫王亥(如英文的King Arthur)而不叫亥王, 又如"我祭祀於安陽"(I worship at Anyang)而不是"我在安陽祭祀"。

今年中國有“首屆中國考古學大會”,想想看,為什麼是“首屆”?二裡頭考古隊長許宏明確說明, 在中原沒發現任何能證明夏朝的,最大的問題是“證經補史”,照著歷史書考古。中國考古界已經轉移方向,從以中原向邊疆地區。 根據上頭文章,夏朝不用在中國找,到埃及找可也,哈哈。

根據甲骨文成熟程度,我認為中國歷史3700年前開始。儘管良渚文化有5000多年,但它沒有文字。 開始商朝還有許多的事情,我會繼續寫。

我重寫一些文字和語言的新Blogs, 有興趣去看: 甲骨文的“龍”字, 用上古漢語朗讀。 中古漢語擬音已經相當成熟,但念的人有口音,閩南人聽了說像閩南話,客家人聽了說像客家話,江浙人聽了說不像吳語, 廣東人聽了說完全不像粵語。 聽上古漢語音,可能震撼到不敢認祖宗。

It is interesting to watch a 1-minute video that 2 Harvard professors singing a song to help their students to memorize China's history. Video: How to Memorize China's Major Dynasties

Appendix 附錄
Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?
by FP (Foreign Policy) magazine.
My discussion on this topic had been moved into "comments" at below.


1 comment:

  1. The topic, the Chinese originally come from ancient Egypt, has been around for a while. Some thing new in this article is that they came by sea so that the timing is right. Well, if they came by sea, they could have stopped somewhere on the way like Malaysia, and didn't have to go all the way to northern China. Ha ...

    The issue is that Chinese cannot prove Xia (Hsia) , the 1st dynasty in history book, exits. I said it years ago and most people don't believe it. Now Shang becomes the 1st dynasty.

    I think only genetics can solve this mystery if they can determine the ancient DNA of both peoples. People with genes of Q and R types traveled very often on Eurasian steppe in old times. Nowadays, R type is dominant in Europe and western Asia. Q type is dominant in northern Asia and Americas. East Asia is O type.

    Maybe Q people was related to old civilization in southwest Asia and Egypt, and they also came to northern China. When I was in Peru, I realized that how American Indians behaved like Shang people.

    Mom's cousin, also went to that University of Science and Technology (科學技術大學) mentioned in the article.

    This is a fascinating article. I wonder if one group discovered/invented a technology first or if the groups independently made discoveries or how one group influenced another. That's why I'm interested in early civilizations.

    Now people believe that the making of bronzes, wheat, sheep, horses chariots is from outside China. It may be originated in Middle East or Egypt. However, the oldest civilization in Mesopotamia is only 6000 years old. It may be they also came from outside. Later they were defeated by Semites (Jews, Arabs, Syrians ).

    The people of N,O,Q,R gene types had been in Eurasian area for ten's of thousands of years. Actually, N,O,Q,R each started with a person's gene mutation. They have a common ancestor. Now they call him K2 and he is a real person and is the ancestor of most the people in the world. Interestingly, Wiki put his location in Southeast Asia which was a continent in old time because the sea water was very low.

    I studied Shang's writing 甲骨文, which evolved into modern Chinese, and it does not look like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs (埃及象形文字).

    Yes, 良渚 civilization at Hangzhou is much earlier than Shang. However, Shang is considered the 1st dynasty because of its writings. I studied Shang's shell-bone scripts (甲骨文) and wrote an article "China's history 3700 years" based upon the maturity of the scripts.


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